Rs. 2,950/-

Energy Shift Kriyas

By Dr. Guruji Premji Nirmal

* How to get Unstuck

* Different Kriyas for different Energies Stuck

* Money Magnetism and Deeper Insights

* Q and A

Energy Shift Kriyas

Dr. Guruji Premji Nirmal is Holistic Counselor, Wisdom Coach, Human Trainer, Kriya Yogi, Scientific Mystic and Enlightenment Educationist of international repute.

Dr. Guruji Premji Nirmal was fortunate enough to meet Shri Mahavatar Babaji  in light body more than once. He has received many Kriyas which bring in the great Energy Shift.

These kriyas are powerful and effective and bring about instant Energy Shift. Some times we are stuck with a thought, a situation, a memory, a loss, a phase in life. These Kriyas instantly bring you out and you can then move ahead on the path.

Happy Learning!

Course Curriculum

Rs. 2,950/-

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