Rs. 5,900/-

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Kriya Yoga Level 1

Art and Science of Holistic Living    

(49HB Nirmal Kriya / Six Step Nirmal Dhyan)

Guruji Dr. Premji Nirmal / Guruma Bharati

* Increase Prana, increase Vitality, Enhance Immunity 

* Secrets of Vibrant Health, Wealth & Joyous Living 

* Open, Balance and Tune all the Seven Chakras 

* Reduce Karmas; Accelerate Spiritual growth

Kriya Yoga Level 1 

(Art and Science of Holistic Living)

In the year 2000, Shri Mahavatar Babaji appeared in light body and initiated Guruji Prem Nirmal into Kriya Yoga and gave 49HB (Healing Breaths) Nirmal Kriya. By then Dr. Premji Nirmal was already an enlightened soul, running his electronic industry, was a consultant giving consultancy to Business owners and was a successful corporate trainer. 

Babaji handed over the mission of spreading Kriya Yoga and Householder Spirituality to him. This movement has now spread far and wide, across 26 countries with more than 40,000 initiated into 49HB Nirmal Kriya. A research paper documenting the findings of the Scientific Research done on the "Effect of 49HB Nirmal Kriya and Six Step Nirmal Dhyan", is also published in an International Journal.

With Babaji's grace and blessings, both Guruji Dr. Premji Nirmal and Guruma Bharati Nirmal are now fully on the Masters' mission of spreading this knowledge all over the globe!

Happy Learning!

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Course Curriculum


Happy Seekers

Gratitude! Gratitude!! Gratitude!!I have been one of the lucky participants in the above Kriya Yoga (Level-I and level-II) online sessions.

My heart wells up with gratitude for our beloved teachers - Guruji Prem Nirmal and Guruma Bharati Nirmal - for the breakthrough teachings and powerful practices, they have imparted with immense love and care.

Even though the teaching sessions were conducted online, the kriyas, one learned, came alive, thanks to the meticulousness of the step-by-step approach and attention to the minutest of details. One also got the deepest and most scientific understanding of why Kriyas are necessary and how they work - engineering the process of comprehensive transformation, both inner and outer. Nadi Samhar Kriya is the most powerful tool, I have experienced, to bring noticeable inner-purification that silences the mind.

The greatest gift of the sessions, however, was the constant showering of Grace by both Guruji and Gurumaa. It worked in mysterious ways - through their intention, looks, and words. It brought the light of awareness to many dark recesses of limiting patterns, accumulated over lifetimes. It was like being soaked in showers of Grace coming from Siddha Masters of various lineages.

It is a feeling of having been born anew – a dwija. Thank you once again. Heartfelt gratitude!!

- Brahma Prakash Gaur (Retired IRS Govt Official)

For more testimonials  click here  

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