
Akashic Record Reading (ARR) 

Level 3 - Past Life Astrology

By Guruji Dr. Premji Nirmal & Guruma Bharati Nirmal

* Upagrahas, Kalavelas and Asteriods

* Purva sanchit Kundali and Bhagya Kundali

* Past Life Relationships, Financial Issues and Health Issues

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Akashic Record Reading (ARR)

Level 3 - Past Life Astrology

Akashic Records is a universal cloud recording of the journey of souls. This soul journey is an interesting but mysterious play of interwoven Karmas. Why and when something happens or does not happen remains a great mystery. Can we really know the future and shape our destiny the way we want... Yes!... we can surely unveil this secretive curtain and get an access to these records by learning ARR...!  Akashic Record Reading (ARR) is that science or technology, providing an access to these records of soul's journey by connecting to the radiance of pure Universal light.

Are you really interested in learning this science? Then know more about your past life Karmas, how they are influencing your current life and shaping your future destiny by going through this intense LMS online program of ARR - Level 3 - Past Life Astrology. Unveil this mysterious curtain. Get  precise understanding of Karmas - how their seeds are formed, when they sprout and the exact situation in time and space when they actually will ripen and give back the fruits to you, making you suffer or enjoy! Interesting... isn't it?...  Most of the deeper secrets of major areas of life, especially related to health, relationships, karmic entanglements and major financial issues which are related to your past life karmas, will get revealed to you.

Past Life Astrology, with its Vedic insights, gives you precise technology and tools to get the clarity about previous life karmas, unfinished agendas and pending equations. When this is understood in clarity, taking decisions in our current life becomes easy! Not only our life gets resolved but with the clarity and the methodology that the program gives, we become capable of helping and guide others on similar lines.

Learn this Past Life Astrology, which is the level 3 of Akashic Records Reading program, totally a 4-moduled course.
This course includes,
1. Introduction to Law of Karma and Past Life Astrology
2. Retrograde Planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn
3. Uranus, Neptune & Pluto
4. Rahu Ketu Astrology
5. Purva Sanchit Kundali
6. Bhagya Kundali
7. Non-Luminaries or Upagrahas: Dhoom, Vyatipat, Parivesh, Indrachap, Upaketu
8. 5 Kalavelas: Gulika, Kaal, Mruthyu,Yamaghantaka, Ardhaprahara
9. Asteriods: Chiron for Past Life Hurt and Healing, Eros for Sexual Chemistry, Juno for matrimonial harmony & Soulmate Connections, Ceres for Fertility & Recproduction, Pallas Athena for Leadership, Vesta for Self-Discipline and Devotion.
10. Vimshottari Dasha and Past Life
11. Past Life Relationships Entanglements and Solutions
12. Past Life Financial Issues and Lost money recovery
13. Past Life Health Issues and Remedies
14. Q/A & Practice Sessions

Come! Join this exciting and highly rewarding journey of Akashic Records Reading...!

Course Curriculum

       Rs. 84,960/-

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